Posts tagged Gripsholm
The story behind the picture "The castle of Gripsholm"

The composition is pretty straightforward. I wanted the castle to be the main subject in the image and I hoped the sunset sky would burst in colour. I framed the castle in a more central position in the image and put the horizon line near the lover third line in order to show more of the sky. In this particular image, I didn't want to blur out the water because it was pretty calm, to begin with, and I liked the reflections from the sky in the water ripples.

In the picture above I have marked where the shooting location was and the left and right endpoints of the panorama. The panorama consists of 7 frames wide each bracketed +1, 0 and -1 stops.

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Location scouting at Gripsholm Castle, Mariefred

I visited Gripsholm in Mariefred to explore the castle area for an upcoming trip where I intend to photograph the castle and the surrounding area. Gripsholm is a very nice area that I can really recommend you to visit. There is a lot of interesting to see and I found a number of interesting compositions.

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